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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Monsoon Come Soon

While this has been a scorching summer and every time the mercury crosses 40 across India, debates and discussions on 'Global Warming' heat up as well. I am someone who spends his entire summer waiting for the heavenly showers that follow it and the occasional pre-monsoon rains delight my heart no end.

For some people rain are an indicator of gloominess, dark, soggy environment and make them retract into their cocoons, but, for me rain is like a shower of joy, positive feelings and excitement. Rain makes me want to travel, to go on that dreamy long drive on wide tree lined roads with very little traffic (that's probably too much of imagination being in a city like Delhi).

Rain is when the natural beauty is at its best, trees go greener, earthy scents thrill your senses, sound of steadily falling raindrops is soul music. The sizzling hot pakodas, strong tea are probably the best food option when enjoyed with a backdrop of monsoon rains. Hilly terrain becomes heavenly with clouds floating below, around and above you and giving an ethereal artistic touch to everything you see.

I can go on and on about what rain means to me and where I wish to go this monsoon season, but, I wish to hear from you my friends. What's your monsoon mood and destination? Let it rain in comments here :) 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Summer of 2017

'Live well today and enjoy today for a joyful tommorrow'

Last time I wrote something was when the Monsoon rains were lashing the city and I had managed to sneak a bit of 'me' time to reflect upon things.

This time around, the opportunity has come to me on a warm summer night while I prepare to wrap up another day. Few months back, I had to take a medical break which gave me ample time to wander off to dreamland and lying on beds, I must have conjured up a thousand stories (all in the mind though). 

I am pretty much back to normal fitness barring the little bit of niggling pain that keeps reminding me of the big scar on my stomach. Surgeries are bad and I can almost write a 500 page booklet on 'My Traumatic Experiences with Surgery', but, then this post is not about the pain or the surgery, but, the things that one comes to understand or acknowledge when faced with illness or hospitalization.

When you are bedridden and even turning in the bed becomes a wish or even simpler things like 'wanting to drink water' which is denied prior to surgery, then you realize the true value of life and the little things that mean so much.

In our busy lives, we often tend to overlook and postpone health and fitness issues or indicators which appear momentary or insignificant, but, when they accumulate over the period of time, they can become serious challenges warranting immediate attention as happened in my case.

Also, such illness brings to your notice the immense love and support that is all around, but, hardly noticed in the business of life. Family members and relatives who often appear to be nothing but irritation turn into 24x7 support for everything that you need or wish to do. Even strangers become accommodating and office colleagues whom you hardly cared for suddenly care for you.

There is so  much good in life, so many good people and good things to do. We are often not aware of all those beautiful people, strangers and activities because we are 'Busy'. It is often in pain or heartbreak that one truly encounters this goodness, but, friends, the best way of enjoying this goodness is not by being in pain.

Rather, we should enjoy it when we are at the top of our game and 'Busy'. We must pay attention to our health as the top priority because everything and everyone else can be enjoyed only when we are fit. At the same time, we must meet people, relatives and keep communication channels active in good times because that's the time when we can relish and contribute to others' happiness unlike my case when you realize all this with fluids being fed into your veins through needles and you finding yourself unable to even smile due to the parched dry mouth which gets ringed with chapped skin due to a long dry spell.

For me, it was almost like a second birth where I slowly got onto my feet and started walking, eating, talking and so on. I am still not running fit, but, hopefully will be there very soon and I have learned to appreciate things, even 'The Summer of 2017'. What about you?